NKT – Noss Head to Shetland Link Cable Tracks
John Gunn & Sons were subcontracted by NKT as the Civil Engineering contractor for works at Noss Head as part of the wider SSEN Shetland HVDC Link. The cable track consisted of 2no. cable tracks installed along a 2.2kM wayleave.

The contract was for a two-year duration, and our team was responsible for managing and completing the following works.
- Construction of a new Heavy Duty Drilling (HDD) Platform.
- Wayleave Enabling Works.
- Emetelle HV and Fibre Optic Duct Installation from Landfall to Noss Head HVDC Switching
Station. - Construction of all Joint Bays including Transition Joint Bays at HDD Platform.
- Winch Block Construction at HDD Platform.
- Pigging & Proving of all Ducts.
- Jointing Assistance Works.
- Installation of Filoform Filoseal duct sealant to HV Duct Units.
- Winch Hoist installation inside HVDC Switching Station.
- Full Road Resurfacing Works of Noss Road from Staxigoe to Noss Head Car Park
Materials including crushed rock products and ready-mix concrete were supplied from our quarries.